Forest News and Events

Ephemeral Ponds, Bogs and their Wildlife

Lincoln Community Forest Nature Program and
Forest Walk

Saturday, May 4, 1:00 p.m.

Learn what an ephemeral pond is, why they are so important in our North Woods, and about the abundant frogs, toads, reptiles and other wildlife that rely on these ponds. We will also walk to Mikinaak Lake (for those capable – a 1⁄2 mile walk) to learn about bogs, bog lakes, and their wildlife.

Colleen Matula, retired DNR Forest Ecologist
Alexander Streitz, DNR Amphibian and Reptile Expert
Tom Piikkila, retired DNR Forester

Meet at Lincoln Community Forest Parking Lot: 28430 Marengo River. Rd, Mason, WI 54856


All About Mushrooms with Abi!

All About Mushrooms with Abi!

Our Second Saturday Activity – October 14, 2023 @ 1:30 p.m.

Walk and find mushrooms with Abi Fergus, Wildlife Biologist and Forager extraordinaire. Learn about mushrooms, see their beauty and get tips on identifying them. All are welcome!


Meet leader Abi Fergus at the Lincoln Community Forest Parking Lot: 28430 Marengo River Rd., Mason, WI 54856

Expect about 1/2 to 1 mile walk.